Area Sister Fakes Death After Devastating Calling to be Girl’s Camp Director


BOISE, Idaho – After a comprehensive search of the greater Boise area that began almost two weeks ago, authorities say they have found 32-year-old Sister Rebecca Todd alive and well in an abandoned potato field.

Police say Sister Todd had been living in this rudimentary shelter next to the potato field where she was found.

Rebecca claims her new calling as Girl’s Camp Director was the driving force behind her behavior.

“I just felt trapped,” she said in a recent interview. “I was going to come back eventually, but until Camp was over people needed to believe I was dead.”

Rebecca’s husband, Jeremy, reported her missing on January 28th. “I woke up and found a trail of blood from our bedroom all the way to a mound of dirt at the cemetery,” he said. “I prepared myself for the worst.”

Authorities say the blood turned out to be Maraschino cherry syrup. They exhumed the grave, but found it empty. Jeremy says he became suspicious when he realized his wife’s disappearance occurred the day after their local bishop had asked her to accept a calling as Girl’s Camp Director.

Jeremy says his wife spent the evening before her disappearance in the fetal position, terrified at the prospect of planning, organizing and attending a week-long camp with more than one hundred adolescent young women.

“I tried to reassure her. I told her that if she could just survive until the testimony meeting at the end of the week it would all be worth it,” Jeremy says. “She told me to stop trying to ‘fix it’. She can be a bit dramatic.”

From a historic perspective, sisters from the Glennside 4th Ward say dramatic may be the most appropriate reaction.

According to the Ward Relief Society President, in 2014 Camp Director Agatha Sheen returned home after the event covered in mud and speaking in tongues.

In 2015, Director Theresa Gillman returned home four days early and still suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

In 2016, Director Stephanie Farr was immediately admitted into a psychiatric clinic the day after Girl’s Camp ended.

Gary Fielding serves as the Ward Bishop. In an interview we asked if he planned to extend the call to someone other than Sister Todd, considering the circumstances.

“She’ll be fine,” he said.



[In case you haven’t picked it up yet, this is a satirical article and is not true.]

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The Sunday Pews

The Church is true. The doctrines are true. The Book of Mormon is what Joseph Smith said it is. That being said, we Mormons can be pretty goofy sometimes. The Sunday Pews aims to poke fun at the human quirks specific to our subculture, not the sacred doctrines we hold so dear. All articles are satirical in nature.

79 thoughts on “Area Sister Fakes Death After Devastating Calling to be Girl’s Camp Director”

  1. This is quite funny. But I have to admit that I’m laughing more at the comments from the people who believe it’s true. Yep I had to stay on the toilet cause my legs were crying.


  2. I can’t decide what made me laugh more, the article or reading all of the comments! Just what I needed tonight! To all y’all who thought it was real, all I can say is bless your hearts! LOL!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My husband sent this to me thinking it was real. After having THREE people turn down the calling and having to send around a sign-up sheet to see who was interested, I laughed and I cried. I sent him back a laughing-crying emoji. He thought I was being insensitive. 😂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Knew it was Hoax when trail of blood was mentioned. Then cherry juice – give me break. Rather extreme humor. If they lived outside of the mountain colonies they’d have more and better things to do.


  5. I feel her pain…but it’s a sweet pain. One that I felt for over 13 years. I actually suffered more when they released me from the calling. 😭


  6. Very comical. Completely transparently satirical. It’s hard to believe some people believe these articles are true, but I actually did too until the 2nd paragraph of the first one I read.
    I needed these laughs tonight. Thank you.


  7. Well, yes, of course I thought it was real. I mean, here in the land of the true Church we would never do something that might cause someone…well…there I was reading it and say shaking my head and saying “Oh, dear. Oh,dear. Oh, Derek. I guess it’s true what they say….hey! I may be old (70), but it’s not kind to fool an old lady. I may have to go drink a Coke to settle down are those still legal or should I hide in my closet you know I used to go to girls camp or was it ……?


  8. Every year we go around and around in bishopric meetings for months trying to determine who to call as the YW camp director. That is a hard calling to fill.

    I think that this Bishop made the best selection he could have. Anyone willing to spend an Idaho winter in a makeshift hut after digging a fake grave in the frozen ground is the perfect person to take camping with you. I wonder if she would consider coming to be our YM High Adventure leader next year, it boys could use some toughening up like this.


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